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Who Is She?

A future hover boarding champion, and total Chad, Sorrel is the fearless leader of our group. Laid back and never worried about much, some might say her head is high in the clouds. Though she might butt heads with Chervil every once in a while, her overall cool and confident attitude is inspiring, and of course, very intimidating to Kimathi. She's a kind person, but doesn't always make that obvious to outsiders. In her mind, Kim is not one of those outsiders. Though she doesn't show it, she has already accepted him as one of the crew members. He is more than cool enough to hang out with them. Even before his heroic act of selflessness towards Juniper. I mean, he's "already a world traveller, man."

Character Elements

This free spirited, bare foot, mullet rocking chick, underwent a lot of changes to become the woman she is today. While her strong jaw and chunky cargo pants remained, Sorrel needed a bit of an overhaul for her looks. Although her peachy orange skin tone gave off a cool suntanned vibe, it was too natural looking for our character line up, and next to the original analogous color shemes of Juniper and Chervil, she looked a little out of place. Using a blue skin tone, paired with a cooler color for her iconic pink mullet, brought back some of the satisfaction of her original color scheme. It was also decided that Sorrel would be the tallest member of our cast, and therefore, had to undergo a few body mods, so that her proportions would more accurately represent her height.

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